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Savings & Money Market

Save Money, Make Money

Whether you’re saving for something specific or putting away money for a rainy day, a savings account from The Dolores State Bank allows you to earn interest while you save.

Check our Current Interest Rates

Woman out in the rain
  Regular Savings Money Market Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Minimum opening deposit $50 $1,000 $1,000
Minimum balance $5 $1,000 $1,000
Monthly service fee None $10* None
Monthly service charge with printed statements None $12 None
Other account requirements None None Maturities from 6 months to 5 years
More about CDs


Regular Savings Features

  • $50 minimum deposit to open
  • Interest compounded and credited quarterly
  • Available to individuals or businesses
  • If average quarterly balance drops below $5, the account incurs a $1 service charge per quarter

Interest rate will change at the bank’s discretion due to market conditions.

Money Market Features

  • $1,000 minimum deposit to open
  • Service charge waived if average balance is above $1,000
  • A service charge of $10 is allocated monthly when opted into eStatements, $12 with printed statements
  • Up to six withdrawals or transfers per statement cycle; $5 per withdrawal thereafter

Interest rate will change at the bank’s discretion due to market conditions.

Certificate of Deposit Features

  • $1,000 minimum deposit to open
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Maturity timeframes range from 6 months to 5 years
  • Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) available as The Dolores State Bank CDs

An early withdrawal penalty may be imposed.

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